
Hi, I'm Sabra.

I'm a writer, editor, marketer, wife, friend and mom. And I wanna talk about all of it with you. Honestly. So, let's do this.

The Organization Tool I Can't Live Without

The Organization Tool I Can't Live Without

I'm an organization nerd. I love listing and color coding, and get a kick out of crossing even the smallest to-do item off my list (preferably in red pen). I also manage multiple projects at once, so it's important for me to be able to keep them all straight and functioning on time. I've been using OmniFocus, a task-mastering program created by the Omni Group, for a few months now. I heard about it on the Home Work podcast, which I also highly recommend. Here's what OmniFocus looks like:

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Screen shot 2012-09-18 at 10.04.29 AM

Quickly: I should probably say that I don't endorse products as a result of business agreements on this blog. I'm telling you about this one just because it's worth talking about. Now that we got that out of the way, here are a few things I love about this program.

1. It keeps all my projects in one place, but keeps them separated, too. Think of it as a well-organized closet, where each of your projects has its own box or file, to which you can add new tasks whenever you want.

2. It allows for context. You can classify your projects by context (home, work, the dog, whatever ... ) and only view the context that's important to you at that moment.

3. You can focus in on only what's due soon. Today's tasks are separated from tomorrow's and so on. You can also view the upcoming week if you choose.

4. You can sort by project. If you only want to focus on one project at a given time, you can pull up only that project's tasks.

Another great feature: It color-codes. "Due Soon" items are in orange while distant items are shown in black or gray. Overdue items turn red the minute they become overdue. It's a great visual picture of your day. I love the feeling of closing out my evening with no red items in sight.

Finally, the OmniFocus app syncs with your computer so you can add list items to your "Inbox" to matter where you are or what you're doing. Then, revisit the tasks later and categorize them appropriately.

I swore I'd never stop listing on paper. I was just too attached to my planner. But this software finally inspired me to convert. Organization nerds, rejoice! And say goodbye to paper listing. Your desk is about to get a lot less cluttered. At less than $40, it's a fantastic deal.

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